Thank You Madam PM Vidyut for giving me the honour of serving this great nation as a Union Minister for Law. As a practising Advocate, I’m well aware of the challenges before the justice delivery system. Being an insider, someone who deals with it, someone who worships it. Someone who takes a great pride in it, someone who rues the inadequacies of it, someone who’s shocked by the pendency, intrigued by the casual approach of the stakeholders, appalled by the ignorance of founding principles of the Constitution amongst judiciary. I’m determined do my bit for restoration of the majesty of the justice delivery system. I am determined to do my bit for making Courts / Tribunals the temples of justice as against – as some lawyers jokingly say – cooling chambers. I am conscious of the limitations – of resources, qualified manpower and societal compulsions. But I assure You Madam PM, that I will leave no stone unturned to achieve your goal – Justice for all – without fear / favour or delays.