Acceptance Speech of Meghnad as Alt Minister of Parliamentary Affairs

I thank Alt-PM Vidyut for giving me the responsibility of Parliamentary Affairs Minister. This is my chance to Make Parliament Great Again! So our Alt Sarkar is going to hit the ground running. This is the plan.

  1. We are increasing the days of Parliament sittings from 70 days, which is the current annual avg, to 140 days. Simply increasing number of days will give more time for your representatives to discuss and deliberate laws. Why hurry & bulldoze laws through? Take your time!
  2. We are giving one day a week (Thursday) to the opposition! We call it, “Oppose the Sarkar Day”. On these days, opposition will set the agenda. They can raise any matter they feel important & speaker of the day will also be from an Opposition party. No. More. Disruptions.
  3. Our Government promises to send 75% or more bills to parliamentary committees every session. Each law will be looked at with a fine tooth comb & made as perfect as possible. Our Alt Sarkar requests opposition parties to participate & help us do this in the best way possible.
  4. Each MP will now get a separate annual fund to build a research team. This amount will be spent on training & employing young policymakers to help our representatives do their jobs better. A committee will be formed to monitor & ensure nepotism does not happen here.
  5. My ministry is taking upon itself to educate citizens about Parliament & laws. We will form a committee to hunt down legit talent. Alt Sarkar is looking for creators, writers, journalists, researchers & influencers who can create fun content to educate citizens.

6. Where will the money for this come from? Alt Sarkar is going to deny housing to MPs who already own pvt property in Delhi-NCR area. That portion of (quite large) expenditure is going to be allocated to fund these two programs. (More cost cutting measures TBA)

7. And finally, Alt Sarkar is going to look into reforming the anti-defection law. We believe it’s time each MP votes according to their conscience and not according to the orders of their party bosses. Every MP matters, every MP gets a say, every MP gets to vote.

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