Acceptance Speech of Preeti Sharma Menon as Education/HRD Minister

I am honoured to be chosen for the Ministry of Human Resource Development. Respected PM Vidyut ji my first step is to stop harnessing citizens as fodder to corporate India but to provide education. Hence I propose the portfolio be rename Ministry of Education.

Free quality school education is the foundation of progressive nations, and Vidyut Sarkar will work closely with local and state govts and invest in quality education for primary, school, college, university & as well as research. The National Education Policy needs a relook. We need to weed out regressive interjections of the past few years. School curricula wl restructured to prepare citizens for aknowledge based world and to become champions based on the wealth of r Human Resources. Across the country Teachers have suffered due to the moratorium on hiring. We will work with the Ministry of Finance to budget in the immediate hiring of teachers in govt schools. MoEd will also work closely with Ministry of Women & Child Development and audit the mid-day meals & other nutrition schemes to eliminate crony capitalists that have displaced the Self Help Groups. Alt Sarkar has created a great opportunity to create a Nation “where knowledge is free” & “where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit”. And into that heaven of freedom we will lead our country awake. Thank you!

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