The origins and history of India’s first role play government #AltSarkar

The origins of this interesting concept of having a role play government started when a user tweeted ” Vidyut for PM”. Reading this suggestion Vidyut conducted a poll on Twitter wherein a simple question was asked as to the PM people on Twitter(hereinafter referred to as “Tweeple”) would wish to choose between Modiji and Vidyut. Vidyut received 86% votes over Modi who just received 14% votes which is almost 18% less than the number of votes he received in the recently held Lok Sabha elections while Vidyut received close to 10% more votes as Modiji got in the 2019 elections. Hence, by popular mandate Vidyut became the 1st PM of this unique role play government #AltSarkar. Such a massive win is unprecedented and has never before been seen in any elections with the results surpassing even those achieved by BJP party in its many landslide wins over the 2 Lok Sabha elections.

While some users challenged the results of this sweeping win for our PM Vidyut by asking for a paper ballot method of voting one user had voted for Modi and claimed his vote went to Vidyut. However, many Tweeples rejoiced with this huge mandate given to Vidyut and tweeted with All Hail the Queen, anybody but him, etc.

With the initiation of this unique kind of government made by the election of our PM Vidyut with popular mandate Tweeples demanded for the PM to announce her cabinet ministers with our Hon’ble PM already putting on her thinking cap for the potential people she would like to induct in her cabinet.

To be Continued…..

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